We returned to school this past Monday, January 14th-nice three-week break! Lots of folks went back to North America-don't wan to offend my Canadian friends by referring to home as "the states"-maybe we will make it back one year! The cool weather would be so nice! We stayed in Singapore, waiting to see if the procedure for Josh's back worked. We got to explore a place called Sentosa-resorts and lots of fun activities like Universal Studios and zip lining . Sadly, Josh will have to get back surgery on Tuesday,1/22, but hopefully it will alleviate the pain. Recovery will be 4-6 weeks. SAS has been wonderful to us -very supportive - and the medical care has been superb. Not quite what we expected to have to deal with when choosing to move here, but all is well! My parents decided to come a week early, arriving on 1/26. Their help, along with the great outpouring of support from family and friends in the states, makes us feel prepared. Sorry-no pics from the hospital!
We leave one week from today !
ReplyDeleteThinking of you all 24/7 as we get things ready here for our visit.
Here's hoping we don't bring the flu with us - it's everywhere right now.
Love and Hugs ~
Mom and Dad