Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas on the Equator

Santa found the Curnetts this year, although Ethan and laney were fixated on how Santa would know where we are and how he would get into our 13th floor condo. No worries-Santa figured it out. The best gift was relief for Josh's back. The medical care here is unbelievable, and after such a long haul of back-related issues, he is returning to activity. We are all glad about that.
Christmas Eve lunch was Japanese good at a local restaurant and dinner was tacos/nachos. We had a nice brunch at home and chicken BBQ from our new crockpot for dinner. It was a great day!!!! We miss everyone and are looking forward to a summer back home!


  1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
    5 1/2 weeks and counting down ~
    Mom and Dad

  2. Terrific pictures! Love keeping up with all the activities. So happy the back issues are being taken care of; Dr. Lee sounds wonderful. All the food sounds YUM. Miss you all... xoxo me

  3. Great pics, Josh. Happy Holidays from the other side of the pond. Just discovered your blog, and now I am going to have to sift back through your entries to see how life in Asia is treating you. Hope all is well.

    I have a cousin teaching in China and she is spending some time in my old stomping grounds of Taiwan. Needless to say I am living vicariously through her updates, and I plan to do so through your blog as well. Have a great New Year and, of course, look forward to another type of New Year at the end of January or early February.

    Take care,


  4. Happy New Year Curnett Family! We miss you all. Love the pictures! Sounds like the awesome adventure continues to be super fun. Would love someone to carve my turkey at Thanksgiving like that!! :) My last year of Thanksgiving feast in 5th grade - sort of sad. Mr. Buehlers class won the tug of war but Mr. Buehler sacrificed his shirt (big tear!) in the effort! Tad won arm wrestling in his class and was so excited to have the same honor that Henry had!!

    So glad to hear Santa found his way! Tad was watching his progress on Norad and saw your stop! We had a white Christmas this year - very exciting and kids were all out sledding. Skiing is finally getting better - still need more snow though. School is back tomorrow but we're trying to enjoy last day of really nice break before it all gets crazy again.

    Sending lots of love!! - The Kvietoks
