Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Sunday-last day of fall break

We spent the day at the Marriott on orchard - kids swam and we had a long, relaxing lunch with the Hauges. We tried to explore Chinatown, but it was just too hot. I guess that's why the market there is a night market. We ended the day with dinner at the banana leaf restaurant in little India-so good! All the kids had hit their limit by 6:30, so we said goodbye as the Hauges headed out for phi phi in Thailand-it was an island wiped by the tsunami and has been rebuilt-looks so beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading all the comments from you & Leigh; makes me feel as if I'm just around the corner. The kids (and you guys) look great. That Banana Leaf restaurant sounds good. I really think I could tolerate the heat if shopping was involved. Are there many bugs there? Spoke to cousin Steve last night & he's heading to Thailand right after Thanksgiving dinner. He's happy Connie & I are coming to visit.
