Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in Singapore

Tonight is a huge expat night near school - 10,000 gather on the neighborhood streets that surround the school. Fortunately, I have a wonderful husband who is taking the kids trick-or-treating as I head home after a long, long day of pure Halloween at school. I was a fork in the road, laney was a starry night (we glued glow-in-the-dark stars on black tank and skirt), and Ethan was a MIB. There are no Halloween stores here, so we had to dig deep for costumes that were age-appropriate and cool. It's not like those cold, snowy nights in Colorado! Maybe I will be able to catch up with my book!

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Can't wait to hear details about the celebration with 10,000! So glad you can take a deep breath & put your feet up for an hour or two. Cute cute costume ideas... your ideas are amazing, as always.
