Friday, September 7, 2012

Laney's first soccer game

Laney scored the first goal of the season! I hope that didn't come off as a brag :)


  1. Sounds like a great time was had by all. Pats on the back to Laney;
    YAY for you! Loved talking to everyone Sat. night ... even Callie.
    Sounds like you're all loving life ---- just great. Went to my 1st book club meeting tonight -- such nice people. 10 of us. Next month the book is "The Chinese Cinderella" --- then the following month "Cutting for Stone" (which Connie said was her favorite book last year). Ethan; I'll be thinking of you on your trip to Malasia... so exciting. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  2. She's ready for that worldwide coming of age sports movie ... Golé. Very cool with the trees in the background.
