Thursday, August 2, 2012

Our new home

Ikea delivered all of our furniture today, Callie came back to us, and we are in our new home. Didn't really know how to use the washer, so it too 2&1/2 hours to wash one load. Still waiting for one sheet to dry...I think we'll be "camping" tonight, making do with what we can. In my need to "nest", I used an entire bottle of Clorox surface cleaner to sterilize the house. Sadly, I was wearing one of my favorite pair of new brown linen pants from jjill, so now I will have to see if they ship to Singapore-summer sales might still be going on!

More thoughts this weekend about our neighborhood, the smells associated with living on the equator, and the cleanliness here; off to check the sheets! Had to hang the duvet covers on bamboo sticks off balcony-we going local!


  1. Buy a scrub suit to clean ! Especially when using bleach ♡
    I've ruined many a favorite casual outfit just pouring bleach in the washer. Living room looks wonderful - I love seeing some familiar things in the photo. Hugs all around ~

  2. Wearing my favorite pink shirt with bleach spots all day today :-))
    I bet that there are merchants there who dye clothing - maybe in Little India ?
