Monday, November 26, 2012

Thanksgiving in Singapore

Being in Singapore for Thanksgiving was surprisingly familiar-turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, apple & pecan pie-just minus our Denver family and friends. The caterer at SAS takes full advantage of the American clientele and offers to cook the whole meal. In fact, the turkey is rather infamous. The turkey is delivered to your doorstep golden brown - you remove the skin by peeling it back to find the turkey carved! I am so mad at myself for not taking pictures!
Sadly, josh got a bad case of the flu. He was in bed from Wednesday night to Sunday and missed all the meals! I think he really felt it when I told him I watched the broncos on thanksgiving! Now, Singapore is in full force Christmas mode. No Black Friday though. Many here traveled over the 4 day holiday-Thailand, Bali, Cambodia, Malaysia -to name a few places! We can't wait to start our local travels, but will most likely start next year, giving a full year to settle here.
We visited the US Embassy today to get some documents notarized. We just loved being there-we both reminisced about our time at the US Embassy in Beijing. In another life, I would have loved an embassy job!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A typical Wednesday night

This morning, Laney said she wanted satay. So, when we got home around 5, josh walked Callie while I walked to the town center. Josh wasn't feeling great, so I went to Guardian (like Walgreens on a small scale) and got some strepsils. On my way, I saw the burning bin-not atypical but not usual either. I also included some pictures of the shops-nice jewelry store with a underwear store in front. I stopped by the ATM to get money for our cleaner who comes twice a week. Quick stop at FairPrice for some instant noodle bowls and on to our favorite hawker satay stall. We got 10 beef and 10 chicken-with cucumber/onion side and peanut sauce-S$10 (8 USD$). While waiting, I got josh two fresh orange drinks-S$5 (4 USD$). Finally, back home to indulge! I have cooked about 3 times since arriving-all pasta without meat. I love the minimal to no cooking-especially the no clean-up! I also included Callie sunbathing on our balcony yesterday. We had the day off for Deepavali. Last weekend was laney's last soccer game of the season, so we had a small party in the high school cafeteria at SAS. It was a great run for the Red Fire Breathing Dragons!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Our Weekend

On Saturday night, our friends from Denver, the Hauges, returned for a quick dinner before they headed back to Denver.  The kids all decided they wanted Din Tai Fung again, so off we went.

While waiting for dinner, after choosing what dumplings we would have, I snapped a picture of Brooks in front of all the Christmas decorations that went up shortly before Halloween.  In the center of this mall, a retailer is selling down coats and suitcases.  
After a sad goodbye Saturday night with a promise to see each other soon (this summer) and with the hope of traveling together next October (maybe Bali?!Vietnam??), Laney and I spent a Sunday afternoon in our local town center.  I got a haircut, and we both went for a spa manicure and pedicure.  NOT cheaper than the US, but much cheaper than on Orchard Road, the upscale part of town where many expats live.  On our return, we went grocery shopping and got caught in a downpour.  Rainy season has truly begun-I pretended it was snow!

The block adjacent to our local super market, Fair Price, was flooded.  We had to walk through about six inches of water to get to higher ground.